This article demonstrates how to generate perfect HTML using the RenderControl method of server controls. The Html code is generated without makeing any server-side state or view state.
/// <summary>
/// This method demonstrates how to show Html output of a Server Control
/// </summary>
private void ShowHtml()
// Create the in-memory objects that will catch the rendered output.
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
HtmlTextWriter output = new HtmlTextWriter(writer);
// Render the control to an in-memory string.
var control = new HyperLink();
control.NavigateUrl = @”http:\”;
control.Text = “Asghar Panahy”;
control.Target = “_blank”;
control.ToolTip = “Demostration”;
// Display the HTML (and encode it properly so that
// it appears as text in the browser).
lblHtml.Text = “The HTML for LinkWebControl1 is<br /><blockquote>”
+ Server.HtmlEncode(writer.ToString()) + “</blockquote>”;
The output of this codewill be reading what you would ecpect in the Html code behind.
Notice that skipping the Server.HtmlEncode call will put the generated html as a link into the page.